20 November 2014

Random Thursday

A couple of weeks ago we went up to the Big City for my integrated screening.  It's a big hospital, 'thee' hospital to go to for major things (hello, my dad's brain injury for one!).  So, tons and tons of people are going through there every single day.  So, when I registered in the OB area for my ultrasound the receptionist asked me if I'd travelled from West Africa in the past few months.  Then when I checked in for my blood draw 30 minutes later THEY asked me if I'd travelled to West Africa in the past few months.  So crazy, just shows the sign of the times.  There were a few active cases of Ebola in the states at that time so of course everyone was on heightened alert about it.


Have you watched the show 'Slednecks' on MTV?  OMG, you MUST watch it!  It's my new guilty pleasure!!!  Those kids, they are cray cray and crack me up! And it's hard to go an episode without them getting naked because they lost a bet of some kind!  Bah ha ha!!! It's awful television but SOOO fun to watch!


Brenner Joe is home today, tonsillitis.  Last night he fell asleep on the couch about 4:30, didn't want to eat supper so went straight to bed at 6:00 and slept until after 6:00 this morning.  He did have a low-grade temperature but Tylenol took care of that.  Today he is acting fairly normal, right now he is flopping around on the couch, so not too sick.  Got his first dose of Amoxicillin in him, he'll take that for 10 days.  As long as he doesn't get another fever he'll be back to school tomorrow.  It's funny how it started as a cough here and there then that fever hit and knocked him out.  He never complained of a sore throat.  It's been fun having him home with me today, I've missed hearing his chatter all day long.


Thanksgiving is exactly ONE WEEK AWAY!!!!  I CAN'T WAIT!  Wednesday night we'll have supper at my folk's house with them and my sister's family.  Thursday Andy's family is coming here.  I love cooking a big meal for everyone, so looking forward to that!  Of course, everyone brings a side dish so I'm not doing everything myself, that's always helpful.  Andy's brother is smoking a turkey breast this year so I'm not even doing the bird!  Going to miss that smell wafting out of the kitchen this year but everything else will smell good, too.  And I cannot wait for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!  I just love love love watching it!


Little Tater is such a big boy!  He can walk behind the walker all by himself now!  It's such a fast one, even on carpet, so I've never really used it with the older boys too much.  But the other night Aiden was holding the front of while Tate walked behind it so it wouldn't go fast.  Then last night he just pulled himself up to it and started walking with it!  He could control it really well and never took a tumble!  Walking by himself won't be far behind now!  I've tried holding his hands and walking with him but he likes to look up at me and smile big cheesey smiles at me and doesn't focus on the task at hand, silly boy!


Next Saturday is my mom, sister and my annual Christmas shopping day!!!  OMG, I am so ready for this!  Can't wait, always a hoot of a fun time!


I have never ever gone Black Friday shopping.  I've gone shopping on Black Friday, but not at any crazy early time to get a good deal.  This year that might change.  We are looking for tablets for the boys and the one we want to get is on sale at 8p.m. Thursday night. I am 100% against those poor workers having to work on Thanksgiving, 100%!!! But, if they're already going to be there anyway....   I'm going to go get the deal.  And brave the crazies!!!  I'm scared!  Anyone think I can get the same deal online at the same time?? It's WalMart.  I would much rather order online than go stand in line at the store but don't want to miss out on the deal by doing it that way. So what do you think???  Any seasoned Black Friday shoppers out there that can offer me some advice??


That's enough random for one day.  Have a good one!

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  1. You are far braver than me to face those black friday shoppers!! I would have to bring bail money if I went!

  2. If you go out, it will probably be the last time you do! I've done it and waited and it's insane... literally insane. The shoving and pushing and yelling... it's just not worth it. I've found that the deals are just as good online and I don't have to worry about all that. I'm going to stick to online Thursday and Friday and then may venture out on Friday after the crowds have died down. When I used to go out a few years back, by mid-morning everyone was gone home since they'd been at the stores so early in the am! Good luck either way!

  3. Slednecks - never seen it, but it sounds like it might involve snowmobiles? And, if so, it sounds totally up my brother's alley.
    Totally pumped for Thanksgiving. I can't believe it's already next week!
    Good luck shopping on Black Friday. I've never braved that kind of crazy. You'll have to share all about the experience!

  4. I go black friday shopping every single year and it's not that bad. If I want something and people are fighting over it I walk away, it isn't worth it. I mostly go for movies and kids clothes!

  5. I have never shopped on Black Friday and I don't think I will start. I hope your little is feeling better that crap is going around. Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday ever and this year I am hosting my husbands family... I am making the Turkey, stuffing and such. I am excited and nervous at the same time.
