11 July 2014

Summer Bucket List


Today I’m linking up with one of my dear friends, Des, for her weekly “Summer Bucket List” link up.

Today I’m checking off “Gardening”, in a sense.  No, I’m not done gardening for the year, it’s just getting ramped up now, but I’m definitely in the thick of it so figured I could say I’ve ‘done that’ this summer.

Last night we welcomed Andy home from being gone for 2 days by going outside and picking berries and green beans.  Yahoo! Ha ha!  The black raspberries are slowing down but the red raspberries are in their prime right now.  We got quite a few of both varieties.  Next week I’ll be making jelly and The Pioneer Woman’s Berry Butter with them.


Do you see my lone Bee Balm flower in the middle picture?  I spotted that beauty yesterday in the afternoon, totally made me a happy girl! I thought the pesky rabbits had eaten it all off but lo and behold, there it was!  Kind of looks like a Truffula Tree (The Lorax)!

Today I canned 16pt of green beans.  I fear we have over planted green beans yet again!  We picked a big bowl full last week and have been eating those fresh (yum!). Last night we ended up with about 3 gallons of beans.  And that’s just from the first 2 rows we planted.  We’ll be able to pick those at least 2 more times, if not more and we have 2 other rows that are quickly coming on!  Oh boy! 


We all sat out on the deck and snapped them before bed last night.  It was fun chatting and listening to music.  I turned on Pandora on my phone.  First I chose 90’s Hits. Andy was not impressed (especially when Backstreet Boys came on).  Then I switched it to ‘Today’s Hits’.  The boys and I belted our ‘Wrecking Ball’ by Miley.  Again, Andy was not impressed.  Finally we settled on the ‘Johnny Cash Station’.  That suited all of us.  It was a fun summertime memory we made together.



After I finished the green beans this morning I started in on making a batch of Ree’s Spaghetti Sauce.  I was able to use the parsley and basil I planted back in May.  I just love being able to use what we planted in many different ways and recipes!  That is definitely one of my favorite parts of summer!


Even though they are not reading for picking yet I wanted to show you how awesome the tomato plants are doing! 


So now you can see why I am checking ‘Gardening’ off my Summer Bucket List.

Go link up with Des!


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  1. wow that is a garden!!! I wish I didn't have a black thumb, ha. Berries right in the back? That sounds awesome! We had a bush when I was a kid but the birds got to them first every year.

  2. I am so jealous of your garden! I didn't plant anything but two tomato plants this year because I was afraid I wouldn't have time for much else with a 6 month old and a full time job. We cut down some trees in our yard in the fall and ground down the stumps and it will be an awesome place for a garden next year. I can't wait to start canning soon. I always do hot pepper rings and pickles with my brother, nothing like smelling of vinegar for days!

  3. I want to come eat all your vegetables!!!

  4. I am so impressed. Come stay with me and teach me how to live off the land!! lol

  5. YUM! I picked black raspberries and frozen them last weekend. Picking green beans and cucumbers to can this weekend!

  6. look at all those green beans!!! those are my favorite veggie!! Your garden is amazing! I hope to have a garden next summer so I might be coming back for tips! Thanks for joining the link up this week!

  7. Holy smokes lady! You'll be set all year long with those fruits and veggies. YUM!

  8. I really really need to get into gardening! I love the Pioneer Woman's spaghetti sauce! I made a batch and froze it for meals later. I can't wait to hear how the berry butter is!
