07 July 2014

4th of July Weekend


First things first, time to announce the winner of the Charlibebe Gift Certificate!  My super sweet friend with the adorable baby Adley, Shelli, won!!!!  Congrats, Shelli! Thanks to all who entered the giveaway!

How was everyone’s holiday weekend?  We had a great one! Andy took off Thursday to take the boys golfing so we had a nice, long 4 day weekend together. 

Friday, the 4th, wasn’t a busy FUN day.  We hit up yet another parade, our last of the summer.  Andy’s folks came back here after for lunch.  I quickly whipped together some pork burgers and baked beans, and then pulled out the tub of cottage cheese and a bag of chips to go with it.  Dessert was Peach Upside Down Cake – so so yummy!  That evening we went to my Grandma’s for supper with the big family, then we all headed over to my aunt and uncle’s to watch the fireworks at the fairgrounds.  Little Tater Tot loved them once again!  I remember sitting there watching the fireworks with so much of our family all around us and was thinking about how perfect it was, how lucky I was to have my boys, my husband, my parents, my aunts, uncles and cousin’s around me, watching the fireworks and enjoying our freedom together.  It was pure bliss.

Saturday was a funny day.  It was cool for this time of year (low 60’s) and rained all morning long.  We didn’t do much of anything.  It was kind of nice to have a lazy day.  Andy fixed the toilet in the basement, I went through some stuff and filled a sack of old shoes and clothes to take to Goodwill.  Cleaned a tiny bit.  But mostly we were just lazy and watched some Wimbledon on TV.

Sunday we went to my folk’s house for lunch and for me to cut my dad’s hair.  We stopped in town at the nursery and picked up some more plants, came home and planted those.  Also mowed the lawn, trimmed and pulled some weeds.  We dinked around the house a little more, went for a bike ride with the boys, cleaned some and then crashed! 

It was a great weekend and I somehow didn’t take any pictures to commemorate it!  The only pic I took I posted on IG – it was of poor Tate snuggling with me Saturday afternoon because he wasn’t feel very well.  Not sure if it was teeth, tummy or just a busy 4th of July.  Either way he’s feeling all better now.

Have a great Monday, talk soon!

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  1. I'm glad Tate is feeling better!!! Sounds like a fun, low key weekend. Lots of family time and lots of stuff done!

  2. Your 4th sounds like perfection.
    We left on the 5th, and I've never been so sad to go. Iowa was really good to us this summer!

  3. Sounds like the perfect holiday weekend!
