06 January 2014

Dynamite Recap

I was asked to compile all of Dynamite’s shenanigans into one photo collage for pinning on Pinterest.  I couldn’t quite figure out how to get all the pictures onto 1 collage (too many?) so I made two.  I am also including the letters from Dynamite.  Feel free to pin away for future reference!

Dynamite Hello 13-10033Dynamite Hello 13-20008

Dynamite 1Dynamite2

Dynamite Goodbye 13-10007Dynamite Goodbye 13-2

Have a great week!  I’ll be back tomorrow with my 34 week Bumpdate!



  1. Dynamite was one sneaky little elf.

    >> Thinking of you and your family. Sending hugs and prayers!!!

  2. I'm thinking of your family, Erin! Hugs and prayers are being sent your way!

  3. I love these letters!!!
    I'm anxious to hear how that sweet baby is treating you.
    Thinking of you and hoping you've taking care of yourself and getting some rest!
