14 January 2014

Baby And Dad

Today I am on a high!  Last night when I went up to see Dad and Mom, Dad actually opened his eyes when he heard my voice!  He moved his eyes to ‘look’ towards my side of the bed, although still not focusing too much yet, and turned his head towards me too!  He had a hard time keeping his eyes open for more than 10 seconds, he’s so tuckered out, but it was so great to see him responding in a small way like this!  So so exciting!  Thanks for all of the prayers, keep them coming so he can make a full recovery!

As for how I’m doing? Fine.  Baby is doing good, I’m making sure to stay on top of things where that is concerned.  Last Thursday, I believe, I noticed my ankles were swollen up.  This is the normal time for that to begin but I let my dr. know just in case it could have something to do with the stress from Dad’s accident.  They aren’t ‘concerned’ but want me to make sure I’m getting enough rest, fluids and activity.  Check, check and check.  I didn’t swell up at all with Brennan so was surprised by it happening this time.  Last night when we got home I took my boots off, which I’d had on since 9 a.m.  My socks had dug in to my ankles so much that it hurt to take them off.  Andy rubbed my legs and ankles and they felt better after that.  This week I am staying home from the hospital more so hopefully that will help keep the swelling down.

Today is the first full day I won’t be at the hospital.  I feel guilty about it but I need to be here with the boys some, too.  Finding that correct balance is really hard right now. There’s guilt on both ends.  I have a new routine to figure out now.  My days/weeks will be spent split between being home and being with Dad.  They are talking about moving Dad to a different hospital for an interim rehab before he can qualify for and get in a specialized rehab.  That hospital is just over an hour away instead of 40 minutes away like this one.  That will change things for me, too.  But for this week I will go to the hospital during the days when both boys are in school (Wednesday and Friday) and go up with Andy one day this weekend.  Once Baby comes I have no idea how I’m going to make it all work.  I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Wow, this just snuck up on me – I haven’t been reading my Baby Apps since Dad’s accident but I just looked and it says I have 33 days left!  Holy smokes!  A tiny bit of panic just set in, ha ha! And excitement.  Better get my hospital bag re-packed.  I had it packed then took all of that stuff out to pack to stay with Mom at the hospital.  Wow, deep breath!  Baby is definitely head down, though, I can feel it getting really low when I walk back and forth to Dad’s room.  Every so often I have to stop walking and breathe until the discomfort goes away.  I love the feeling because you know it means the end of your pregnancy and that you’ll be meeting the baby soon!  But it does make it difficult to walk quickly to get where you are going.

Thanks to all of you who have sent prayers for my dad!  They are working miracles, please keep praying that he makes a full recovery! 



  1. 33 days! Eek!

    Glad to hear your dad is opening his eyes and responding to your voice a bit. That must be so reassuring to you all.

  2. Yeah for good reports! I hope the good news keeps coming. Now go put your feet up for a while!! :)

  3. What a great report about your dad. Positive progress, thank you Lord!!
    And holy Moses, 33 days?! Eeek!! :)

  4. I'm glad to hear your dad is doing better!!! That's awesome! I can't believe only 33 or so days left!! I can't wait to find out what you're having!

  5. Always reading up on your dad and praying... xoxo

  6. I haven't been bombarding you with comments, but I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts pretty much 24/7. Take care of that baby!!! Nothing is going to make your dad get better faster than knowing that the baby is going to be here soon!


  7. I'm so happy to hear things are looking up for your dad. What a blessing. I've been thinking about him and your family nonstop. Take care of yourself and that little one. Love you friend.

  8. That's wonderful news!!! Praise God!!! I am glad you are remembering to take care of yourself and the baby. I know it must be so hard with all that's going on. Still thinking of you and sending prayers!

  9. Yay for good news! So happy for you!
    I will continue to pray :)

  10. That's such great news Erin!! I'm so happy for you and your family!! Hopefully the rest of this week is the same, and better, than today!! And keep getting your rest!! I can't believe it's a month till baby!! SO, so exciting! Xoxo

  11. Such amazing news erin! I am so so glad he is improving. I will keep the prayers going. Glad you are still taking care of yourself though. Eeek 32 days now!!
