25 November 2013

All Kinds of Things

Happy Thanksgiving Week, friends!!!  Yay, it’s here!!!!!  Bring on the pumpkin pie!!!  I decided last night while trying to sleep that I’d throw together a last minute link up for Wednesday all about what you’re thankful for!  I hope you’ll join me!!!  Please share the info on your blog, tweet about it, whatever!  I want to hear what you’re all thankful for this year!

I am 28 weeks pregnant now.  I have my baby check up this morning and also my glucose test.  Ick.  The drink isn’t THAT bad but for some reason I’m nervous I’m going to puke it all up.  I can feel the anxiety building inside me, it’s making me feel sick.  Taking deep breaths!  Not sure why I’m working myself up over this!  Maybe it’s the blood draws, those bother me.  Oh well, I’ll make it through and be just fine!  Tomorrow I’ll have my 28 week bump-date and picture of just how big I’ve gotten!

We had a great weekend. Andy took Friday off and we went Christmas shopping.  We got both boys completely done and crossed a couple of other names off the list, too.  This Saturday I go shopping with my mom and sister, I’ll be able to knock everyone else out then and be 90% done!  The last 10% is for Andy, who I’ll go shopping for by myself some day in December. 

Saturday was my mom, sister and my annual cookie/candy baking day.  We made haystacks, sugar cookies, buckeyes, Oreo truffles, peanut butter pretzel balls, peanut brittle, peanut butter fudge and peanut clusters.  Treadmill here I come!  Saturday night we took my in-laws out to supper to celebrate their 40th anniversary next month.  We went to this great family-owned steakhouse where you grill your own steaks.  The food there is AMAZING!!!  Everyone got steak but me, I got the marinated chicken breast that melted in my mouth!  I had the best salad from a salad bar EVER, must have been their house dressing. I think it had buttermilk in it, yum!  The baked potatoes were done to perfection, and it was all the Texas toast you could eat!  I definitely gained a few pounds that night!

Yesterday we picked up a Christmas gift then came home and watched football, cleaned out the fridge so it’d be sparkly clean for all of the Thanksgiving leftovers and lounged around.

The most exciting thing about the weekend, though, was that Dynamite left the boys a letter Saturday night!  We found it in the fireplace yesterday when getting ready to start a fire.  They were so excited!  Here are some pics.


I love how he signed his letter with a stick of dynamite!  Ha ha!  Here’s what the letter said:

Yippee Skippee Aiden and Brennan!

I’m so excited to visit your home again and watch all the shenanigans that happen in your great family!  It won’t be long so keep a watchful eye out for me.  My hiding places will be real doozies, Oh boy!  Hee hee!  I can hardly wait!

Brennan – Santa told me that telling your mom and dad ‘no’ was weighing on his mind and wants you to be very good and try hard not to say this!!!  If you can, and listen hard to your parents, he said a special treat is waiting for you on Christmas Eve. OH BOY! Hee hee!!

Aiden – Santa also knows that at times you have been fussing (arguing) with your parents and when asked to do homework or a chore sometimes you don’t cooperate.  Listening to your parents is an important way of growing up being a loving son.  Please work hard on these special problems and a very special treat on Christmas Eve is waiting for you!!!  Hee hee, oh boy!  I’m soooooooo excited I can hardly wait!

Aiden and Brennan, you are very good boys and I know your parents love you very much!  I’ll be there to see you soon!



Brennan was asked to do something last night and he said no, then caught himself and ran to do it right away! Ha ha,it’s working already!

I hope you’ll link up with me on Wednesday!  Spread the news, let all your blogging friends know of the link up!

Have a great day,



  1. Our elf is named Bobby. I need to go dig him out of wherever I hid him last year. I think I'll pose him before we leave for Thanksgiving, so the kids can find him as soon as we get back!

  2. Cutest mom award goes to you. Period.

  3. Sounds like a great weekend! Can't wait to see pictures of the lil babe!!! Thanks for emailing me about the link up!

  4. that is so cute! Glad you got a bunch of shopping done. We went Saturday and I think we might be about 50% done with the kids. I am the worst. I don't want to buy too much, but then I want to make sure they have enough. #firstworldproblems I know....

    Good luck on your test!

  5. How awesome does it feel to have so much Christmas shopping already done?! We are close, but still haven't really gotten M anything. Oops.
    LOVE the paper air plane and note. Freaking adorable.

  6. Wow, almost all done your shopping, that's amazing!! And your baking?!?! Now I'm jealous! I want to taste it all, and wish I was even started my baking!! Next week, maybe!
    I love the note from dynamite! And that he signed it with a stick of dynamite!! You're right, your dads writing is just perfect for that! I hope it helps your boys to be good for Santa!!

  7. I love your letter to the boys. So cute!!! As for the glucose test, I know what you mean. I had to do the test THREE times!!! One time it was one hour and the additional two times were three hours long. NO FUN!!! I hope you do it once and are done!!!
