25 November 2013

28 Week Bump Update


I say it all the time, but seriously, how fast is this pregnancy going?!?  Only 12 weeks to go (which means only 13 1/2 weeks to my birthday, holla!!).  I just can’t believe how quickly this pregnancy is going.  It’ll really be over before I know it!

I think this picture and outfit are deceiving (and I’m going to wear this outfit every single day!!) because I think I look MUCH bigger than this picture shows.  I can really see how much my back is curving because it looks like I’m really popping (not pooping) my butt out.  I think it’s usually more tucked ‘under’ than this.  When I am doing a lot of walking, like for shopping, I can feel how my body is counteracting all that weight out front by pushing my butt out and trying to hold my bump back.  I bet I look funny walking!

Here are the answers to my monthly Q & A:

Baby:  Super active at night!  Andy and I joke that it’s an alien because of how crazy it’s movements are at night when laying down to go to bed.  It is much ‘kickier’ than the boys were.  They were busy little guys but not quite so … weird!  Baby is about 14.8” long, weighing in around 2 1/2 pounds.  It can blink and react to sounds and light now. 

Symptoms: Oddly enough, my heartburn over the last week has been MUCH less. Some days I’ve not had any at all!  I’ve been sleeping a lot better, actually sleeping straight through from when I go to sleep (9:30/10) until about 4a.m. every morning. Then I wake up to use the bathroom and then can’t fall back asleep when I get to bed.  I usually do go back to sleep but then I wake up more tired because it felt like a weird cat nap at night.  I’m not ever hungry because the baby is taking up so much room in there.  I’m back to taking frequent bathroom breaks, again, because the baby is squishing everything in there.

Weight Gain: Add another 5lbs to to the tally – that makes 17lbs total so far. Guess I’m going to blow my 20lb limit out of the water! 

Highs: Feeling all of those crazy kicks!  And knowing I’m in the last trimester, which means only 12 short weeks until I finally get to hold this sweet little bundle!

Cravings/Aversions:  None on either front.

Excited for: Having a pass on eating as much as I want at Thanksgiving!  Although I don’t have hardly any room in there to stuff myself so I won’t eat as much as I think I want to. 

My appointment was uneventful, which is a good thing.  Baby’s heartbeat is perfect, I’m measuring ‘fine’ (his words), and I go back in 2 weeks.  My glucose drink went down the hatch without too much trouble.  I did good chugging the first half of the bottle down in no time, the 2nd half I slowed down, which was a mistake, so it was harder to get down.  But in under 4 minutes I had it in the old system and was off to my appointment. Went back an hour later for my blood to be drawn, they took 2 vials and I didn’t get woozy at all, that’s a huge success for me!  I’ve finally figured out if I just talk a lot to the tech it helps keep my mind off what she’s doing and it goes much smoother and faster.  Hoping tomorrow they call me with the results.  Will let you know if I have to go back for the longer test.



  1. You look sooo fab in this pic!!!! LOVE IT!!! You think Baby is a Girl?? I mean I know each pregnancy is different but you have had a lot of differences in this one!! I will keep my fingers crossed I can send you a package full of PINK!!!!!!!!

  2. Uneventful doctor appointments are the best!
    Psh, don't worry about weight. I racked up a solid 50lb weight gain with M - and literally lost 20 of that at delivery.
    Enjoy every bite at T-giving!!

  3. I think you look SO darn good!! Not big at all, just beautifully pregnant! And please, don't poop your bum out!!

  4. Cutest baby bump! I love that top!!!

  5. Oh My Goodness! You look GREAT!

  6. You look absolutely beautiful!!! Don't be stressing about your weight right now. Enjoy the pregnancy and eat a lll you can because soon you will be on a shake diet. lol.. I'm happy everything is going so well.

  7. It does seen to be going fast!!! So exciting!! :D
    And you are adorable!!
