15 July 2013

Our Packed Full Weekend

Happy Monday!  Whew, what a busy weekend!  I was so exhausted last night! 

It started Friday night with us going to a nearby campground to sit around the campfire with my sister and her family.  We roasted marshmallows and made smores, chit chatted and the kids played and rode their bikes around.  Got home about 10:30 that night, so we were all tired.

Saturday we got up and went outside to trim our shrubs.  We got that mess cleaned up, came in for lunch, got our showers then went to town.  Aiden had 4-H fair judging.  We got there right at 2 when we were supposed to and were given a number to get in line.  We were #23!  It was a long wait.  30 minutes later Aiden sat down with the judge.  He did great!  He was so nervous before hand, but as soon as he sat down with her he started talking and answering her questions with 2 and 3 sentence answers – I was so proud of him!  Because he is in Clover Kids (grades K- 3) they don’t get ribbons based on how well they did, just a ribbon for participating.


After that we went to my parent’s house to play farmer.  My folks went to Kansas City for the weekend to visit my dad’s brother and sister in law so they needed us to help take care of the farm.  We got there and noticed some things were ‘off’.  A bucket was laying in the driveway, my mom’s solar lights in the flower bed next to their house/driveway were knocked down and so was her garden flag.  Hmmm.  We started walking down to the barn to let the dog out and I noticed sheep poop in the driveway.  Oh great!  After letting the dog out we walked down and around to where some of the sheep are and saw the gate was pushed open about 3 feet!  Sheep were in there, but were they all there??  After doing some investigating (and calling my dad) we decided that some of the sheep had a free for all then put themselves back in their pen.  Quite the comedy looking back at it now. 

After a couple of 4 wheeler rides with the boys we left and went to town for church and the car show in town.  I love old cars and car shows!  My favorite is always the cherry red mustang convertible from the late 60’s!  Someday I will have one!

Supper after that then home to rest up from our day.  On the way home we saw a ton of deer!  Here’s a not so good pic, he ran away just as I was going to snap his picture and stopped a ways away.


See, we were all exhausted!


Sunday, woke up and went outside again to work in the yard. This time it was weeding the garden.  OMG, did we let it get away from us this time!  Luckily we have a mini-cultivator so Andy ran that and did away with most of the weeds that way.  The boys and I pulled the peas and raked up the weeds Andy had gotten up.  In for lunch, then clean up again to run to town for a quick WalMart run, to visit my folks and see how their trip was, then to the fair to watch our niece show her dog.  It started at 4, and I really thought it would only be an hour long.  3 HOURS LATER we were finally leaving!!!  Thank goodness I have good boys, they did awesome sitting there that whole time!  And my niece!!  She showed in showmanship and obedience in the 1st and 2nd year category.  For showmanship she got Grand Champion!  And obedience she got Reserve Champion!  Congrats Addison!!! 

Home from there and I was wiped out!!!  To bed we all went, after showering the dust and dirt off from the fair!

Tonight we will go back to the fair to actually see all the exhibits, the animals, eat my favorite Sloppy Joe Dinner, and watch the tractor pull.  I promise to take my camera this time so tomorrow I can show you some pictures!

Headed to town for groceries and lunch with my mom, time to get moving!  Oh, and my internet is still in and out so if you don’t hear from me it’s because I’m unable to connect.  Boo.

Have a great week!



  1. That sounds like a lovely weekend! And I love the idea of sheep having a partaayyy while the farmer's away!!

  2. Awww, love the fair... enjoy tonight! Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  3. How fun! I wish we had a fair in St. Louis. I mean we do have a fair for the 4th of July, but it is just a bunch of drunk people under the Arch. Not near as fun as yours!

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  4. OMG! Weeding is the worst! My aunt used to make me do it as punishment when I was little!!! hahaha :) Glad you had a great weekend!

  5. What a crazy busy weekend!! And escaped sheep? I wouldn't know where to begin!
    Have fun at the fair tonight, sloppy joe dinner sounds yummy!!

  6. I'm tired from just reading about your busy weekend!
    The deer photo really makes me miss home, as does reading about the fair.
    Speaking of fair... Will your family make it to DM for the State Fair??
