30 July 2013

A Great Post!

Hey!  I am so so EXCITED to share some awesome news with you guys today!
Yep, that’s right!  I’m 11weeks,2 days today!  I am feeling great!  We have known for 7 weeks and it has been a LOOONG 7 weeks of keeping this amazing secret! 
IMG_0183 (2)
Read on to see how the pregnancy has been so far.
Week 4
I’M PREGNANT!!!  I woke up on Sunday, June 9th, with a house full of friends who stayed the night after a party we had on Saturday night.  I knew if I was pregnant this would be the earliest I could take a pregnancy test.  I snuck into our bathroom, set the stick down and almost immediately I had a plus sign!  I went back to our bedroom and whispered the good news to Andy.  We were so excited!  It was so hard to keep the secret from all of our friends that morning! 
Week 6
I am emotional!  Andy told me about a co-worker who had to put his mom into a nursing home – you would have thought it was my own grandma who was moving into one!  I cried and cried and cried.  Later this week I cried about a human interest story on the news.  Otherwise feeling great.  No morning sickness, just tired, sore boobs, and very emotional.
Week 8
Finally, we are telling the boys the great news!  Brennan has been breaking my heart asking me daily when God is going to give us another baby.  Knowing He had given us one made it so hard to keep lying to the boys.  They were both excited when we told them, but not jumping up and down or screaming.  Wasn’t quite the reaction I was expecting, but oh well.  We also told our parents and siblings.  I want to tell a few close friends the news before sharing with the world, they helped me through our last pregnancy’s end so I feel like I should tell them first. 
We had our first prenatal appointment!  Also had an internal ultrasound, just to check on the development of the baby.  We were able to see the heartbeat!  And so far, so good.  The baby looks like a little Gummy Bear, little stubs for arms and legs.  We’ll have another US at 12 weeks.  If that looks good, we should be good to go and will have our last US at 20 weeks.
My due date is February 16th, a special day in my family because it’s my dad’s birthday!  I’m so excited for this date!  I’ve gone into labor on my due date with both boys, I hope that streak continues!
Feeling great still, aside from the extreme fatigue and being hungry ALL.THE.TIME!  I cannot eat enough to stay full, but if I eat too much I feel miserable.  Time to start eating lots of snacks and small meals throughout the day.  I bought Baby a cute little sleeper and some adorable little pacifiers.  I couldn’t pass them up!  I’m feeling so excited this time, where last time I just had a feeling something was wrong and never bought anything but diapers.  I’m taking this as a good sign.
Mam Start Silicone Pacifier (2 Pack)
Mam Start Pacifiers,  newborn
Week 10
We’ve finally told everyone.  We have a ton of support and prayers being said for us, it’s been so great.  I’m so glad to not have to keep this secret anymore, it’s too much fun to not share!  At our first baby appointment the nurse gave me a sack full of magazines, books and information. So fun!  Going through the magazines, trying not to burn through them all at once.  In one I found  coupons for a FREE car seat cover (will need that with a February due date!) and a FREE nursing cover (had one with Brennan and loved it, this one is girly and bright and I love it!).  I am slowly getting things we will need for this little one!

I am so happy to be sharing our awesome news with all of you.  You were all so supportive of me when we lost our last baby, I know I will have your support during this pregnancy, too.  It has been so hard to keep the news from you!  I’m excited to share my pregnancy with you guys!
So, add me to the list of pregnant bloggers!  Ha ha! Or should I say “Yippee!!!”  Also, add me to the list of locals and family members who are pregnant!  On my mom’s side of the family (starting with my great grandparents and trickling down to their kids’ kids’ kids’ kids!) everything comes in threes – weddings, funerals and yes, babies!  And guess what, there are THREE babies due in February!  How crazy is that?!?  Usually the threes aren’t quite that close!  So crazy and amazing and awesome!
Again, I’m so excited and happy to be sharing our great news with you guys!  It’s going to be a great 6 months!


  1. EEEEEHHHH!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) I didn't even read the post yet but I'm sooooooo freaking happy for you!!!

  2. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, Andy and the boys! We'' keep the prayers coming!

  3. YAYAYAAYA!!!! I'm so happy you are finally telling. I have almost slipped up a couple of times. Blogger Babies everywhere. Erin I am so happy that you are pregnant again. I know it's been a rough year. I'm still going with a girl!

  4. Ahhh yay!!! Congrats!!! I'm so happy for y'all!!! Excited to read and share this pregnancy journey with you!!!

  5. Yay!!!!! I am so excited for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

    Welcome to the club :)

  6. Congrats Erin & family!!!

  7. I love you momma!!!! So, so, so, so happy for you!!!!

  8. Awww, congrats girl!! I'm SO happy for you and your family and will be thinking of you constantly over the next 6 months!!!

  9. Also, I LOVE the picture... too cute for words!!

  10. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I'm so happy for you Erin!!! YAY!!!!! Such a cute announcement too, love the pic =) I almost jumped out of my chair when I saw your post in my blog reader! I am so stinkin' happy for you - you deserve this =)

  11. Anonymous30 July, 2013

    omg!!!! yay!!! I am so beyond words excited for you! How amazing! If anyone deserves it its you and your famiy I cannot wait till you find out what it is!!!! BTW LOVe the pic! adorbs! I smiled so big when I saw the first sentence of this post! I am so so so happy for you girl!

  12. Yay!!!! So excited for you...that is awesome! As KellyAnne said, welcome to the knocked up club! :)

  13. YAY! YAY! YAY! I love how your photo turned out and I'm so glad you announced today!!!!!! I'm so excited for your sweet family! Congrats love!

  14. Congratulations!!!!!!

  15. Yay!!! So excited for you and your family!

  16. How exciting!!!! :) Congratulations!!!! :)

  17. YAY!!! I'm so excited for you! You'd think *I* was pregnant with all the tears streaming down my face. I'm SO HAPPY!!!
    Can't wait to follow you throughout your pregnancy!!

  18. I'm so, so excited for you guys!!! Such exciting news!! How awesome do you feel, now that the news is out?! And due on your dads birthday, that is so awesome! I hope your streak continues too!! Crazy that there will be three new family members all in a short month!
    And what an adorable photo!! Love it!! Hugs!!

  19. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. Congrats my SS - you are amazing.

  20. Oh, Erin! This is amazing! Congratulations! I'm beyond happy and exctied for you and the boys! This is going to be so fun to follow along with your pregnancy! Yay!


  21. SOOOOOOOOO happy for you!! I'm sure these next 6 months will fly by. I love the bump photo too. I really wish I would have taken pictures while I was pregnant with Ella. BTW...Ella's birthday is February 20...It's a great month!

  22. :-D This is so exciting!
