27 February 2013

So What Wednesday

Wow, is it really Wednesday already?  Bring on the weekend!

School was delayed 2 hours this morning, luckily not cancelled.  We didn’t get that much snow, maybe a couple or three inches.  It was a wet snow and the roads were warmed up so it melted as it hit the pavement, then got cold and re-froze so it’s a bit of a pain to scoop. 

It’s been confirmed, I’m hitting the hair show in St Louis in May!!! Yahoo!!! I am SO dang excited to get down there and party party party!  Gaw, I can’t contain my excitement!  Yay yay yay yoo!!!  You can find me at Sundeckers Sunday night – I’ll be the one dancing my a$$ off!

Don’t forget about my first solo link up tomorrow!  Just write about one of your love stories, whether that is with a spouse, boyfriend, pet, whatever! 

Today I am going to linkup for So What Wednesday over at Life After I ‘Dew’.

So What Wednesday

So what if…

  • I have been drinking pop like it’s going out of style.Today I am reigning it in, promise!  I have a hair show to get in shape for, after all!
  • I haven’t cleaned my bathroom for 2 weeks.  Yes, it’s gross.  Yes it’s disgusting.  I haven’t felt like doing any cleaning at all since the baby, at least I haven’t let it all go!
  • I haven’t posted any pictures lately.  I’m being lazy, sorry.

I hope to see you all back here tomorrow for the link up!!!



  1. I'm excited about this link up tomorrow!!

  2. Ugh we got like 10 inches and its snowing again as we speak! I know we need it. My dads pretty excited since he's a farmer and needs it but UGH I'm so tired of being stuck at home!

    Totally linking up tomorrow! And JEALOUS that you're going to the hair show!!!

  3. Its still snowing! ugh! So excited for the link up tomorrow! I don't EVER clean who has time for that? lol

  4. So excited for you and the hair show!!!!

    And I am ready for your link up!! woohoo!!!

  5. I absolutely hate cleaning the bathrooms, it is like my least favorite chore ever! Yay for the hair show, I hope you have a lot of fun.

    I'll be sure and send some more snow your way. ;)

  6. All 3 of our bathrooms are in desperate need of a deep cleaning, it's most likely been more than 3 weeks. Actually, I can't even remember so what's that tell you? Ha! Thanks for linking up!

  7. Psh, if our bathroom is cleaned every two weeks it's a miracle. Who has time for all that?

  8. Woo hoo for hair show!!
