04 February 2013

Closets and Ads

Good Monday to all!  I have to say, my Birthday Month is off to a great start!  I told Andy that I can feel the difference between January and February, something’s in the air!  I can almost see reds and pinks and hearts floating around! Ha ha, I’m bizarre!

So why is my month going so great already?  Well, Saturday we went to the big city and bought the supplies for our closet project and Sunday we hung the bead board and painted it. I have to say, I am in LOVE with bead board these days so I am so excited to finally get to hang some in our house!

I was going to give you a tease so you could see the beginning of the process but then I changed my mind and decided I wanted to do one big reveal when it’s all done.  I do have to say the green I picked out for the bead board is UH-mazing!  I’m in love.  I told Andy it makes my heart sing (I think that’s a direct quote from my idol, Ms. Pioneer Woman herself!).  It is one of the prettiest greens I’ve ever seen and I’m in love!  Love is in the air after all, Valentine’s Day is less than 2 weeks away!

Last night we watched the Super Bowl.  I have to tell you, things got pretty crazy here in our house!  Brennan and I watched the entire thing in our pj’s and I had 2 helpings of this amazing Oreo Dessert thing we bought at Hy-Vee on a whim.  Yea, Casa La Crazay here!  We go all out! 

What were your favorite commercials last night?  My top two were the Taco Bell Elderly Gone Wild/Joy Ride commercial (totally LOL’d) and the Farmer Dodge Ram commercial (tears!!).  I HAVE to have that poem!  We might not be farmers right now, but we both grew up living on farms (Andy until age 6, me until I got married at 21).  We come from a long line of farmers and I love and adore them!  That commercial moved me.  So did the choir from Sandy Hook Elementary.  I think in total I cried 5 times during the Super Bowl, from the Sandy Hook singers to the commercials.  And I almost cried when I thought the Niners were going to win.  Whew, squeaked that win out, didn’t you Ravens?  Honestly, how do you blow a 22pt lead like that?  Darn power outage, anyway!  What do you think, was the outage a conspiracy?? Either by the Niners or by the ad execs wanting to get more money for the Bowl by playing more commercials?  Will we ever know?  Probably not. Ha ha!


Have a great week!



  1. Clydesdales hands down.. LOL... Happy Monday SS.

  2. I can't wait to see the beadboard project! I don't remember many commercials because I was too busy playing on my phone. Ha!

  3. I'm excited to see your reveal!

  4. I can not wait to see the project! I have to put your button on my blog, cant do it from work but tonight feel free to virtually slap me later if I havent done it yet :-)
