20 November 2012

Turkey Trot Linkup Part 2

What a morning this has been already!  Ugh! I hate technology.  Ok, I don’t hate it, but it doesn’t like me.  So it’s taken me much longer than it should have to get this up, so I’m putting it in a separate post. Just scroll down to my other Turkey Trot post from this morning to link up and get the awesome button that Holly’s husband made for us.

Please do not look at me in this, I rolled out of bed, slapped on a tiny bit of makeup and didn’t do my hair, so I look pretty awful. 

Have fun with the linkup!



  1. go you! technology may not like you but at least you figured out how to do a vlog....I, however, have not.

  2. Thanks for the fun link up! My family is the same way with the relish tray - God forbid we have a family gathering without one! ha ha! Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!!

  3. YES. Relish tray is definitely a must in my family, too! And we love black olives!

    Thanks so much for co-hosting this link-up. It has been very fun and diverting today! :)

  4. Girl if that is looking bad then damn I really look like crap! LOL Your adorable!

  5. I loved your Vlog! If I could one day figure out how to video myself from the camera attached to the computer then I will do one too! :)

  6. Never seen or tried a relish tray, but it does sound like something I would enjoy!

    Thanks for the blog link-up! So much fun hearing what others do on holidays!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Erin!

    My family always has relish trays at ALL family get togethers too I have always thought it was odd...

    You do not look bad at all in this VLOG! Your hair looks done as well :)

  8. Thanks for hosting this fun link-up and challenging me to actually do a vlog! :)

    I've never seen or tried a relish tray, though I guess I have heard of them. :)

    Happy, happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Erin, Bo Berin.... This was fun! I can't believe how many people linked up! Have a great tome tonight with your family!!
