28 November 2012

‘Dynamite’ Shopping

Hello!  How was your Tuesday?  I had a great day shopping with my husband.  We laughed and laughed and laughed some more.  We always have so much fun together, the man is so much fun to be with!  Plus he’s cute, that never hurts!  Here’s a picture of us driving down the road. Ignore my 4 chins, I have a problem when taking a picture of pulling my head back, thus giving me an abnormal amount of chins. 


Sunday night when we opened the fireplace to light it we found a surprise in there.  Our Elf On The Shelf “Dynamite” dropped a letter with some candy canes attached to it down our chimney for the boys!  They were so excited to hear from him, they have been asking multiple times a day about when Dynamite will show up.  So this letter came at a perfect time and it told them he’d come in December (I can only come up with so many hiding places, folks, the fewer days he’s here the better!).  Here’s the letter (my dad wrote it, doesn’t he have neat handwriting?):


Last year I stuffed Dynamite in a box of decorations for safe keeping knowing the boys wouldn’t get into that storage closet during the year.  Luckily I remembered this before getting the totes out or we would have had some “splaining to do”.  Ugh, what a nightmare that would have been!  So I ran downstairs to sneak him out then thought ‘where can I hide him now?’  Here’s what I came up with:


He’s in my canner, looks like I kidnapped him, tied him up and threw him in a dark hole to die.  Poor Dynamite!  But the kids won’t look in there so we’re safe until Saturday!  Stayed tuned for pictures of where we find Dynamite throughout the month of December.  Hopefully it’ll give you some ideas for where to hide your elf.

So I didn’t mention above that Andy and I finished up our shopping yesterday!  Yep, all done!  This is typical of me, I am an early shopper.  Now on to wrapping all those presents!  I hate having a decorated tree without presents under it!  It just looks bare and sad, which is partly why I take my tree down the day after Christmas. It just can’t stand to see it so sad. Today my goal is to clean this hell-hole of a house (seriously, how does it get so messy so fast?!?) and to wrap at least 4 gifts.  Oh, and to start a pregnancy exercise routine.  I’m going to use the Amazing Mel’s arm workout and make up some leg exercises, plus throw in some walking.  Send good vibes my way, I need all the exercise mojo I can get!  I want to be a healthy, sort of in shape pregnant gal.  Hopefully the weight loss journey on the other end of these 40 weeks won’t be as hard that way. 

One more thing, my friends Holly and Erin are hosting a linkup tomorrow about celebrity sightings.  Since I have never had one of those I won’t be joining in the fun (boo hoo!) but thought you all might have and will want to join in.  Or maybe you just want to read about others’ celebrity sightings.  So here’s their awesome button, click on it and join in tomorrow!


Have a happy day, Friends!



  1. Thanks for sharing the linkup... I can't wait to read everyone's stories!

  2. Hilarious - I can't WAIT for the linkup - yay!

  3. I do the same thing in selfie pictures! I always have to remind myself not to pull my head back. It's just habit I guess!

  4. we have an elf too.....it's tradition at our house since she's been coming around for about 4 years. Love it and the memories that we make with it. :)

  5. I am so jealous that you are already done!!! Good job!! - fellow 4 chinned selfie sister

  6. We aren't starting the Elf until December 1st too... I think the moms that already started are silly! I also can't come up with that many ideas either :)...we're actually going to buy it on Saturday (I hope the store doesn't run out :)

  7. Thanks for the plug!! And your hubby is cute! I'm glad you guys had fun shoppin'! :)
