22 October 2012

Weekend Recap

Let’s just get the bad news out of the way – the Hawkeyes lost Saturday.  It was brutal and I don’t care to recap that part of my day.  So let’s just focus on the fun from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

This was our annual FFBF game, or in layman’s terms Friendly Friends Being Friendly (no, I did not coin the phrase).  All of us but 1 are Hawkeye fans (the 1 is a Nebraska fan.  Hold on while I go vomit.).  That one brought back up with her, so there were 4 Nebbie fans tailgating with us.  I think they came to see how it’s really done. Wink wink!  Here’s a pic of the group.  Andy and I are over on the left.


So, aside from being with friends, my favorite thing about tailgating is eating!  You should have seen the spread!  Wow!  Aside from all the dips, veggie trays, cookies, bars and snacks sitting out we grilled bacon wrapped pheasant (I was skeptical but it really was fine), bacon wrapped shrimp (not a big fan), chicken wings, meatballs and my contribution, bacon wrapped turkey marinated in Italian dressing.  Mmm!  The food was fantastic!

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Here are a few more pics.  Me and my peeps (ha ha), Amy and Staci.


And me and my main ‘peep’, Andy.  He’s so darn cute.


My one picture from the awful game.  It was the ‘Spirit Game’ so they designate every other section as either black or yellow.  It’s pretty awesome that they pull it off.  So here’s a look at how cool it is.


Our Sunday was fun, too.  We went to the farm store to get our Christmas shopping off to a start.  I was disappointed this year, but did get my 3 year old niece a Barbie Jeep Cruiser with Ken and Barbie in it.  Yay!  It’s so super pink she is going to love it!  The best part of the day was driving there.  Honestly, Andy and I have more fun cooped up in a car together than going out to eat at a fancy restaurant.  It was a gorgeous day, temps in the mid 70’s and sunny.  So nice!  Today is warm again but rainy, so won’t be outside enjoying the warm weather.  By the time the rain has moved out it’ll be the end of the week and highs in the 40’s.  Brr!!!

Have a great Monday, friends!



  1. Cards lost yesterday so I feel your pain. I eat my blues away. LOL CUTE picture girl.

  2. I need to get on my Christmas shopping. I hate leaving my house with the kids in the winter. And I am sorry your Hawkeyes lost! :(
