01 October 2012

Our Weekend Of Fun

Hey there, Friends!  How was your weekend?  Did you have gorgeous weather like we did?  The leaves are changing here and this year they are more vibrant than I remember them ever being!  They are b-e-a-utiful!  I’ve tried taking some pictures with my phone but they just don’t do the leaves justice. 

So like I said on Friday, we had a busy weekend.  We had such a great time with our friends Saturday night.  Nebraska ended up edging out Wisconsin, not the outcome I was looking for.  We had a lot of laughs.  Our crew is crazy and so, so funny, my sides hurts from laughing so hard.  I love that!

This is a picture of the 4 gals in our group.  Me, Micaela, Staci and Amy.  Amy’s daughter did my hair (there are braids in the back you can’t see).


Sunday we went to the pumpkin patch.  It was about an hour away (ugh, long ride when you have 2 kids in the back seat arguing over what they will do there first!).  It was a warm afternoon, not exactly pumpkin patch weather, but we made the most of it.  I’ll let the pictures do the talking.


The newest member of our family.  It’s round, orange and weighs 22 lbs!


October is going to be a busy month for us.  How about you guys?  I like October, the focus is off the beginning of school and onto other things.  Aiden starts Clover Kids tonight (the younger version of 4-H), has his last flag football game Wednesday night, my nephew turns 8!!!! this week, and Bren and I have 2 park play dates this week.  Busy busy busy!  Oh, and I officially start Christmas shopping this month!!! December is only 2 months away, yay!!  I’m already excited for Christmas, it’s going to be a long season, folks! 

Happy October all!



  1. Perfect fall weekend! The leaves are gorgeous here too... love the fall!

  2. Cute. Cute. Cute - we did the pumpkin patch/apple picking on Sunday too. So much fun.

  3. A 22 pound pumpkin?! For real?? :) Oh my gosh... That does sound like a fun, laid back weekend.

  4. Ok I love going to pumpkin patches! Can't wait to take my little guy. I love fall too! And good for you on starting Christmas shopping early...definitely on my to do list!
