14 March 2017

Life Lately || Tuesday Talk

Hello!  Here's a little of what's been going on around here lately...

Last week we had a weather system come through that had extremely high winds, gusts topping 70mph.  The tornado sirens went off in town, not because of a tornado just because of the high winds and the danger that brings.  The kids were all in bed when the alarms went off so Andy and I each grabbed a baby and headed to the basement where the big boys were sleeping.  Tate stayed asleep the whole time but Tenley thought it was party time and ran amuck in the basement.  Finally the winds died down, we got the all clear signal and got everyone back in the bed.  The next morning I was doing my usual routine of getting the babe's their sippy cups of milk and happened to glance out the kitchen window. What did I see? A part of our fence laying over on the neighbors fence! Oh no!  After checking it out we determined there was no damage to the neighbors fence (phew!) but ours would have to come down and a new one built.  Ugh.

Since then we have torn that fence down and started pricing out how much a new fence will cost us.  What a bummer!

Aiden has been working hard on perfecting a solo for the 5th/6th grade band solo contest.  He did so well, we were so proud of him!  He received a I rating, only one rating lower than the best which is a I+ - can't complain about that on his first go round!

While he was warming up for his solo we let the little three run the halls of the high school. We found some pretty neat murals painted on the walls from what I believe were past students.  I enjoyed them more than the kids did but they were nice enough to stop for quick pictures.

Two cuties reading books together on the couch.  I love seeing this (and the 2 minutes of quiet it brings to the house)!

With Andy's parent's recent move to a retirement cottage and all of the downsizing and purging they did we were the recipients of a few treasures.  Did any of you have these melty beads back in the day? I was forever designing and ironing 'drink holders' and what not's.  It was fun showing these two the ropes.  And it kept them busy for 15 minutes while I was cooking supper!

Meanwhile, Tenley was picking out what she wants to plant in the garden this Spring.  She loves looking at my seed catalogs, it cracks me up!

I went stamping over the weekend and these are the cards I made.  It's always fun being creative but making the mess at someone else's house.

We met up with some friends for supper Saturday night.  I grabbed my camera to get a picture of the two little girls but I think I said "I want a picture of these two cuties" so these two guys cozied up for a picture of 'the two cuties'. Ha, yea right guys!

Here are the real two cuties!  Ainsley and Tenley.  Tenley was fascinated with Ainsley's head - I think she got that from Tate because he couldn't stop petting Ainsley's head!

I guess this is the only way to watch Daniel Tiger these days. :)  And check out that sweet little girl in the background taking care of her dollies!

That's life lately around here!  Busy busy busy.

I'm linking up with Justine for Tuesday Talk


  1. That's such a bummer about your fence! I hope it isn't too expensive to repair. Way to go, Aiden! That's a great accomplishment! Thanks for linking up for Tuesday Talk. XOXO

    1. Thanks! Yea, I'm pretty bummed about the fence. Still working on getting quotes, hate this process!!!

  2. Oh my gosh - SO WINDY!! What a bummer about your fence. :(
    L.O.V.E. the murals you found!! My kids are never excited when I find pretty murals either. ;)
    My nephew has those bead things, and last Christmas he made some really intricate designs with them.
