09 January 2017

Weekend Rewind

Hello all!  I wanted to start this with a "Happy Monday morning to you!" but gosh am I dragging today.  I was not ready for the weekend to be over at all.  Sadly I have no pictures to show you what we did this weekend, mainly because I spent a good portion of Saturday on the couch.  Last week I was hit with Strep Throat.  I don't remember ever having it so was not at all prepared for how badly it makes you feel and how long it lasts!  It's much more than just a sore throat.

Saturday we had no plans (luckily) so I laid on the couch quite a bit.  Andy worked on putting together the table saw he bought with his birthday and Christmas money.  We watched college basketball and NFL football playoffs and that's about the extent of it.  Totally quiet, calm day and it was really needed with me being sick.

Sunday we had my parents and sister's family, plus my aunt, uncle, two cousins and their families over for lunch.  We didn't get together for Christmas this year and it's been too long since we've all been together so I invited everyone over.  We kept the meal simple - I made chili, my aunt brought potato soup, there were rolls, a cheese tray (that's a Midwest staple!), lettuce salad and yummy dessert.  Everyone had their fill, we all got caught up and the kids played like crazy.  There were 21 people here and of those, 9 were kids ranging in age from 1 to 12.  It got pretty loud in here!  And again, I forgot to take any pictures!

After everyone left we got things cleaned up and watched the Iowa men's basketball team beat Rutgers. :)  Aiden had his 4H meeting and it was free night for supper, meaning everyone fends for themselves (except the little 2, obviously).

It was so chilly last night so we decided to start the fire.  We haven't had it on all winter because of Tenley so it was quite the challenge to keep her away from it at first. But finally she got used to it being on and pretty much ignored it the rest of the night. (follow me on Snapchat! erinmcguire81)

Because of the family being here for dinner and much of the afternoon Tate didn't get an afternoon nap so we sent him to bed early and the big boys were tired so went downstairs to shower and get ready for bed early, too. That meant we had Loulie Girl all to ourselves!  We grabbed a couple of bowls of homemade ice cream and sat on the couch by the fire watching the Golden Globes with our girl.  She has quite the sweet tooth, I think she ate more of my ice cream than I did!

That was our weekend!  It feels like it went by so fast and we are all exhausted from it.  I have two meetings in the evenings this week and that's about it for us.  I'm hoping for a much healthier week.  Have a great one, everyone!


  1. Oh my gosh, strep throat?! I'm so sorry you were bogged down with that. Yuck.
    Holy smokes. 21 people in your house? I bet that made for a lot of fun.
    And, Julia is just like Lou. Sweets are the name of her game, too!
    So glad to see you back at the blogging bit, I missed you!

  2. I hope your feeling better..We did absolutely nothing this weekend too because the whole family was sick.
