29 December 2016

The Winter's First Snowfall

A few week's ago southern Iowa received it's first measurable snowfall and boy were my kids happy! Tate was over the moon about getting out in the fluffy stuff, he'd live outside if I let him.

This was a wet snow, perfect for building snowmen and snowballs...and for rolling around in!

Not so much fun for scooping and snow blowing, though, because it's heavy! That didn't slow Tatie Tot down, though!

Look at those red cheeks!  He didn't care, though, he kept right on playing.

Since these pictures the snow has all melted, boo hoo!  I love a good snowstorm and inches of pretty white snow on the ground.  Fingers crossed for a WHITE January!


  1. TATE the GREAT! He's such a big kid now. Hope you guys had a good Christmas. :)

  2. I am kin of jealous... we want snow here but can't get under 55. UGH!
