12 February 2016

My Last Day

Today, if I was a working mom, would be my last day of maternity leave.

I am 100% the luckiest person ever to get to stay home with my 2 sweet T's - Tate and Tenley.  I thank God every single day for letting me be here with them.  It's not the easiest gig on the planet, a lot of days are super challenging.  I might cry, yell, get frustrated and just plain give up but in the end I always go back to feeling so blessed to be able to be here with my babes day in and day out.


  1. So jealous! Enjoy your time with them!

  2. This sums me up!
    So many hard days, but goodness, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

  3. Enjoy some for me. Although a SAHM was my ultimate dream job after the last maternity leave I am not sure I was cut out for it. Maybe it was/is the fact that Evan isn't and easy baby that is trying to me. I silently praise those moms that can do it even though I am a bit jealous.

  4. Aww, you are so blessed. I worked with my first two so I saw both sides of the coin. Neither one is easy . . . so I never pick sides on the working versus non-working debate! And yes, some days are hard but it's always worth it! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!! FriYAY!!

  5. It's definitely a challenging job--being home all day everyday with the kiddos but I wouldn't change it for the world!!
