25 January 2016

Weekend Review

Good Monday morning!  How was your weekend?  We had a fun filled weekend.  Here's what we did...

Saturday morning started off with eating cinnamon rolls while watching Pioneer Woman.  I've been missing her show for the last couple of months so that was number one on my list this weekend.  After that Andy went out to the garage to work on the cabinet he's building for the basement bathroom.  While he was doing that Tate, Tenley and I worked in the house.

Peach and pink match, right? :)
Tenley sat her in her bouncer seat for over 20 minutes, quietly watching me clean the kitchen.  Since she was doing so good in there I started folding the first of many loads of laundry there at the kitchen counter.

That's a diaper cover, not undies btw! ;)

 After that we cleaned the house and got ready for my sister's family to come for the evening.  I started some chicken in the crock pot to shred for those yummy white chicken enchiladas I told you about a week ago.  I tweaked the recipe this time.  I added taco seasoning to the chicken while it was cooking in the crock pot for a little extra flavor. And I sauteed diced onions, a red bell pepper and a jalapeno in some butter that I added to the chicken before I rolled up the tortillas.  Wow, that was the right decision!  Give it a try!

My sister's family arrived around 3:30 - the kids headed straight to the basement for a nerf gun war and us adults hung out upstairs chatting and watching basketball.   After supper I colored and cut my sister's hair then we relaxed for a bit before they left.  It was so great having them here all evening, love hanging out with them!

Sunday morning the big boys went to religion class while my parent's came over for their haircuts.  I got Brennan and Tate's hair cuts done, too.  Then we went to my aunt and uncle's house for our Wehr Family Christmas.  Better late than never, right?  My aunt had a fun game for the kids to play -- she took a roll of Saran Wrap and wrapped it into a ball.  She added candy, dollar bills, coins, chapsticks and matchbox cars as she wrapped.  The game part was that each kid would work on unrolling the ball while the kid next in line would roll a dice trying to get a six.  Once they got six they passed the dice on to the next kid in line and started working to unroll the ball.  Anything that came out as they unrolled was theirs to keep.  In the very center was a ball, about 4" in diameter, which was the 'big' prize.  It was a lot of fun and kept them busy for about 10 minutes!

My contribution for the meal was 'bread'.  I pulled out my newest Pioneer Woman cookbook and decided to make her Cheddar Biscuits.  I went back and forth between those and her Refrigerator Rolls.  I think I'll make a batch of those this week to try them out.

After leaving my aunt and uncles we ran in to town quick for gas and to wash the car then came home to watch the Iowa Basketball game that Andy had recorded. We finished our day off with football.  I can't decide who I'm rooting for in the Super Bowl - Broncos or Panthers??  

That was our weekend!  Coming up this week - Aiden is busing tables at Pizza Ranch to raise money for his 4-H club tonight... and that's all we have this week!  I'm hoping for less visits to the doctor this week, we were there 3 times last week!  Tate is much better but Tenley now has a phlegmy cough, bummer.  Hoping that's all it does.

Have a great week!


  1. I love Pioneer woman. I don't have any of her cookbooks, but really they just take up space in my cabinets. I have never referenced one recipe for any of the cookbooks I own! I just google everything!

  2. Hope everyone is healthy and happy this week! And I, too, love the Pioneer Woman. Everything looks delicious, even if it generally has too much butter! Her cinnamon rolls are to die for . . . so amazing!

  3. Tenley looks like Aidan to me in that picture. Adorable. :) I took out the Pioneer Woman's dinner cookbook this weekend too. I didn't make anything but I love looking at it.

  4. Tenley looks so big in that picture. I miss Pioneer Woman. I am not a cooking show watcher but I love watching her.

  5. Tenley is getting so big! The newborn-ness is fading *tear*!
    Ooooh, your twist on the enchiladas sounds SO good! I'm going to have to try that some night. Maybe I can convince Scott he really does like chicken enchiladas. :)
    Root for the Panthers (only because I'm a Chiefs fan and the Broncos are one of our biggest rivals). :)

  6. You know how much I love PW!!! Her newest cookbook hasn't left my counter since I got it. I am making her baked ziti tonight. I have a few twists for it but we love it! And her chocolate chip cookies. So many yummy recipes. I think watching her show was the first thing I did Saturday morning too!!

    Root for the Broncos!! It's going to be Manning's last Super Bowl!
