03 November 2015

Baby Girl - 37 Weeks

How far along: 37w3d
Total weight gain: holding steady at 17lbs some how.
Maternity clothes: I'm frustrated with clothing right now - my maternity clothes still fit but I'm bored with all of them. This week the temps are back in the low 70's, which feels like 90's to me, but I can't find anything in my stash to wear.  I guess you could say I'm being picky.  I just want it to be 50's so I can wear my jeans or leggings. 
Sleep: I wake up 2 or 3 times every night.  The first time I can usually fall back asleep but the last time I wake up and am up for the night.  It totally stinks.  If we hadn't had Daylight Savings time I'd be waking up around 5 a.m. which is totally a doable time to just go ahead and get up and start your day. But now it's 4 a.m. so I lay in bed tossing and turning and hitting Andy to get him to stop snoring or breathing so loudly and it's just frustrating as hell.  
Best moment of this week: Friday night I thought I was in labor.  We walked around the block trick or treating then made a quick trip to the big city to find some basketball shoes for Aiden.  We had just got to the city, about a 40 minute drive, when I started to feel funny.  We went to supper at Carlos O'Kellys and I didn't eat one single chip - awful!  I went to the bathroom a few times and started to feel better. Then the contractions started.  Oh crap!  I had nothing packed for myself, didn't have my camera with me and knew to go home before heading to the hospital would have been about a 1 1/2 hour ordeal by the time we drove the 40 minutes home, I packed, then we drove the 25 minutes to the hospital.  I had everyone hurry up and snarf their food down quick so we could get to the store for those shoes before I really needed to get moving.  I contracted every 3-5 minutes consistently on the way to Scheels.  I thought  maybe walking around Scheels would make them stop, but nope.  We found the shoes and loaded up to head home.  Now the contractions were every 2-4 minutes apart.  No pain with them, just really tight and some pressure.  I kept telling myself they were Braxton Hicks since there wasn't any pain but that did nothing to calm me down.  We  made it home about 9:15.  We got the boys to bed and I started running around here getting everything packed and ready to go, just in case.  Andy packed his bag then we went to bed.  The last time I remember feeling a contraction was at 10:48p.m.  I slept until 4:30 a.m. and woke to no more contractions.  In all it lasted about 3 1/2 hours.  So, as freaked out as I was because I wasn't ready and I didn't want to wake the boys in the middle of the night so I could get to the hospital, it was a really exciting evening knowing that Baby Girl is so close to arriving and completing our family.
Gender: GIRL GIRL GIRL!!!    
Labor signs: See above. :)
Happy or moody most of the time:  Happy!  Lots of laughter and fun around these parts.
Looking forward to: Meeting our little girl!
Dr appointment: Yesterday at my appointment my dr. checked my cervix again.  I am still at a 2, almost a 3, but have thinned out quite a bit (thank you Friday night contractions!) to 60%!!!  She stripped my membranes, never the most fun process, but said she was pretty sure she'd see me at my next appointment on Monday.  She said sometimes you can tell things are really ripening but I wasn't so she didn't think I'd have her in the next week.  Fine by me - as anxious as I am to have her, this week is busy again and I'd hate to make my mom do all that running with the boys.  Now that I know we will definitely be meeting her no later than the 15th I am super calm and relaxed and okay to wait til that day.  Besides that I am measuring at 38 weeks, still consistent with measuring a little ahead.  Her heart rate was 143.  Because I am being induced on a Sunday next Monday's appointment will be my last one.  I can't believe that - it makes me sad because I love those appointments but it's also so exciting to know we are almost ready to hold Princess Grace in our arms!

Sunday I finally got the car seat installed in the car and am living out of my overnight bags for the next 2 weeks.  Everything is packed and ready to go. The diaper bag and her special blanket are in the car, the camera is in the car, the laptop sits on top of the laptop bag ready to throw in, grab and go.  I've sent emails to my mom and the boys' teachers with directions and info.  I have a ride set up for Aiden to get him to and from his basketball game that Sunday we are induced.  We are ready.  I am hoping tonight to finally hang everything on the walls in her room so her room will be 100% done and ready for her to come home to.  The end is here, she is considered full term at 37 weeks and it's time to bring her home to our family!
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  1. So exciting!!! I can't wait to see a picture of her! XOXO

    1. I'm so super excited, too!!! Thanks!

  2. I'm so excited for her to arrive ❤️❤️

  3. You're all baby bump and so cute!!
    Little lady is working on making her grand entrance. How exciting to know she will be here, literally ANY DAY!
    I can't wait for her to make her arrival.

  4. You look great! Won't be long before she's here. I wish you and baby all the best.

  5. You look awesome. Just a few more days and your no longer pregnant.
