22 December 2014

Santa Visit // 2014


Sunday we took the boys to see Santa.  I wasn’t too concerned about how Tate would react, he’s never met a ‘stranger’, he makes friends with everyone wherever we go. 

We arrived right at 1 when Santa’s House opened up and we were behind 2 babies in line.  The boys used their wait to watch the train they have set up.  Then it was our turn!

Aiden told Santa he wanted an Xbox, Brennan asked for a Kindle to read and play games on and Aiden told Santa he though Tate would like a rattle. 


Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends!


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  1. Handsome boys! Merry Christmas!

  2. How sweet that Aiden told Santa what he thought Tate would like! Heart melting.
    That second pic of the boys with Santa is great - they're all smiling!
