29 October 2014



Hey everyone!  Obviously I’ve been absent from the blog for awhile.  The reason for my absence is I have lost my blogging mojo.  Blogging is fun but also time consuming.  I have let so many things go since having Tate, like reading books, scrapbooking and, worst of all, cleaning my house.  I do the major things, like dishes and vacuuming, but seriously, my house has never been so messy in all my life.  I hate not having the energy and gumption to get up and do the things I need to do and want to do.  So I finally let the blog go for a bit because I felt major stress from it and knew I needed to let that go.  It’s felt so good not having it hanging over my head.  But I have missed writing and missed hearing from you all.  I won’t be back full time but you’ll hear from me here and there so don’t give up on me.  Someday I’ll have my life put back together again and will blog daily like I used to.

In the meantime big news in our house! Tate’s first tooth popped through!  I can’t get a picture of it, he keeps pushing his tongue forward and covering it up when I try. But trust me, it’s there!

We carved our pumpkin last night.  Singular pumpkin.  I had 2 bought to carve but for some reason one of them rotted!  I’ve only had them 3 weeks so no idea what happened to it.  We had fun carving the one, though, and made it super spooky!  I didn’t get a picture, something else I’ve not been very good at lately, so you’ll just have to trust me.

The boys are looking forward to Halloween very much!  They are super excited and it’s all Brennan can talk about. This morning, “Only 2 more days till Halloween, Mom!”  Thank goodness I have him to count down and keep track of these important days for me, ha ha!

Aiden is dressing up as a Night Camo Ninja, Brennan will be a Ninja Turtle and little Tate will be a lion.  I tried his costume on him last week and he loved it!  He was all smiles and couldn’t stop pulling on the hood part to take a look at it.  Thank goodness he has a warm, full body costume this year, it’s supposed to be in the 30’s that night with a strong northern wind which will make it feel like the upper 20’s.  Brrrr!  We aren’t planning on doing any door to door trick or treating, just hitting up family, so we won’t be out in the elements much.  It’s our first night of the season with lows in the lower to mid 20’s so we’ll have a good freeze Friday night, which is super exciting to me. The leaves will be falling like mad on Saturday!

Oh, and another big surprise.  Are you sitting down for this one?  I am pregnant.  Again.  So soon.  Ha!  I’ll tell you the whole story about this tomorrow (promise!) so stay tuned for that.  This post has gotten too wordy already so will make you wait for all the juicy details.

Have a great Wednesday! 


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  1. WHAT!!!! CONGRATS!!!!! So excited for you!!

  2. Haha, I like how you just threw that in at the end... I thought that would be the first 'surprise' of the post! So happy for you and wishing you an easy, healthy pregnancy... that results in a little sister for your boys!;) Hahaha!!


    YAYYYY!!!!! Happy news!!!! Sneaky throwing that in at the end!

  4. What!!!! Omg!!! Girl that's so exciting!! Congrats!!!

  5. I missed your blog posts but totally understand! Congratulations!

  6. So awesome lady! Congrats! How awesome would it be to have a girl?

  7. So happy you're announcement is public!
    Congratulations (again!!), so very excited for you and the boys. :)
