02 September 2014

Signs of Fall

Yesterday, after a full day of work, we went outside to sit under the tree, enjoy the nice cool breeze and relax.  As I was sitting there I started to notice signs of Fall.  I grabbed my camera and snapped some shots to share with you.
Fall produce from my garden
Waning potted plants - I've kind of given up on this one.
My sedum starting to turn it's pretty rosie color.
This beautiful sedum, all decked out in her finest!
Brown leaves
Boys playing football in the back yard

My front step planter did a quick wardrobe change and added a couple of small mums.  Such a simple way to say "Fall"

Have you started noticing signs of Fall around your house?  Have you put any Fall decorations out yet?  


  1. Some of my plants are starting to die as well, which makes me a little sad. I noticed mums out at the stores along with Halloween decorations. Part of me is ready for fall but I can't believe how fast the summer went this year and how much we didn't do, but I know that goes with having a new baby and still learning the ropes!

  2. I love this! So ready for all the fall pretties!

  3. Your garden is awesome!
    Yesterday it was 94 degrees. Fall is still pretty far away… Booooooo!
