10 June 2014

This, That and The Other


I have never ever won a giveaway before.  EVER.  But yesterday that all changed.  Miss Shelli from Beauty and the Baseball Coach hosted a giveaway for a gift card to BabySport.com and I won it!  I’m so excited, I can’t wait to pick something cute out for little Tate!  Thanks, Shelli!  And thanks for yesterday.  <3 

Thursday I am having a Lia Sophia party.  If you feel like treating yourself or are looking for some jewelry to finish off an outfit head over to THIS LINK and place an order!  Just put my name, Erin McGuire, as your hostess.  The deal this month is buy your 2 LEAST expensive items at regular price, get 4 more items at half price (the most expensive items)!  Pretty great deal!

Orange is the New Black, Season 2 came out Friday and I believe we might be the only ones who haven’t watched it yet.  Andy’s been begging me to knock out a couple of episodes but I’ve been too tired to stay up til 10 to watch an episode.  Maybe tonight we’ll get started on it.  I’ve also been holding us back from watching Season 2 of House Of Cards (such a good show!).  I don’t want to blaze through it then have to wait months and months to start the next season.  That’s the bad part about watching a series on Netflix, they don’t bring out the next season for up to a year later, so by then you’ve forgotten what you watched and have lost interest.  I’m trying to drag it out a bit to keep the lull in between to a minimum. 

I’m planning a link up for either Thursday of this week or Tuesday of next.  It all depends on if I can find time to get it put together today or not.  The topic is going to be “Always, Sometimes, Never.”  You will just list what you Always, Sometimes, Never do, say, think, feel, whatever.  Just an easy sort of ‘fill in the blank’ topic.  Anyone want to co-host?  I’ll need to know ASAP so I can get your name on the button. 

Father’s Day is this weekend and I feel so terrible that I haven’t bought a gift for Andy yet.  I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks, should have had it ordered or purchased already but life with Tate has been crazy and I haven’t gotten to it.  I’m hoping I find time to head to the big city this week and find him something.  Poor guy, all he does for me and the boys and I can’t get his gift bought. 

Time to play a game of Speed with Aiden. 

Are you watching OITNB?  What did you get your dad for Father’s Day?  Ever played Speed, the card game, before?

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  1. I LOVE the link up idea!!!

  2. Woohoo for winning the giveaway!
    I'm so bummed we won't be spending Father's Day with Scott. We missed it last year, too. That's one of the biggest disappointments of being away in June. :(
    While I know I'll be too busy to co-host the link up, I can't wait to join in the fun!
