02 December 2013

How I Spent My 4 Day Weekend

Well well well, welcome to December!  It’s finally here!  The last month of the year.  Wow, what a year 2013 has been.  I’ll get more into that in a later post.  For now I’ll just tell you a few of the many highlights of our long Thanksgiving weekend.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  The food was amazing, it was great to spend time with our extended families and we spent a boat load of time together as a family of 4 1/2, which was super awesome.  Here are a few pics of the meal we had here at our house with Andy’s family on Tgiving Day.

The food-


My plate full of food.  JODI- notice the noodles over the mashed potatoes at the top of the pic?  That’s the kind of noodles, they aren’t spaghetti!  They are ‘homemade’ egg noodles (from a bag, Amish style) boiled in chicken broth and cream of chicken soup until the sauce is thickened. So yummy and so NOT good for you!  But it’s Thanksgiving, you get a pass on that day!  And notice all the carbs on my plate? Ugh!  Hello extra weight! Ha ha!


My dessert – PUMPKIN PIE!!!!  My MIL went a lot overboard on the Cool Whip, I don’t like that much on my pie.  But it was still delicious! 


Friday we spent the day decorating the house for Christmas and watching our beloved Iowa Hawkeyes kick the crap out of Nebraska!!!  Woot woot!!!  GO HAWKS!!!  Then we watched the Iowa Men’s Basketball team beat whoever in the heck they were playing that night in the Atlantis Tournament down in the Bahamas.  Friday was a banner day for the Hawkeyes! 

Saturday I went shopping with my mom and sister, our annual tradition.  I got everything all done except for Andy, but I did get a good start on him.  HIs birthday gifts are all bought and I have a good start on his Christmas gifts.  I FINALLY found a Spirograph for the boys!!!  I have been looking for one for 3 long years!!!  I pranced, skipped and hoped through Target on my way back to where my sister was with that thing in hand!  I LOVED playing with the one at my Grandma’s when I was a kid and have wanted one for the boys for the last 3 years.  My sister thought I had lost my mind being so excited over the Spirograph! Ha ha!

Sunday Andy finished working on the kitchen sink – he put in shut off valves and fixed my sink faucet that wouldn’t turn because it was so clogged up with lime scale.  Now it turns with the flick of a finger!  He’s pretty awesome, he can work on and fix just about anything.  I’m a lucky girl … always where Andy is concerned! 

Also on Sunday Andy (and me, I guess) got an early Christmas present.  Look for yourselves:


That is a 50” LED TV.  Ugh.  It’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like such an idiot having such a LARGE TV in our living room.  The cool thing about it is that it’s Wi-Fi compatible, so we watched a movie on Netflix through it instead of the Wii last night, and pulled up YouTube and watched Extreme’s “Whole Hearted” in life size imagery.  The boys are in heaven with it, so I’m glad all 3 of them are so happy with it.  I’ll adjust … and be watching TV from the next room since it’s so dang big!!! 

That’s our weekend in a nutshell and without too much detail.

Dynamite made his first appearance here this morning!  The boys are so excited!  And he came wearing a new scarf and boots (Thank you Target!).  We figured he wore them because he was going to be hanging outside all day. And that Mrs. Claus made them for him (and knitted him some undies, too).  I love the boys’ imaginations!


No school for the boys today, it’s a teacher’s comp day, so we are going to run to town for groceries and errands, then come home and watch Home Alone together for the first time.  I can’t wait to hear Aiden laughing hysterically at all of Kevin’s antics! 

Hop over to my friend Jodi’s blog today and sign up for her jewelry giveaway!

Happy December my friends!

Erin- 29 weeks and counting Smile


  1. I don't remember ever having a Spirograph BUT it totally looks like something Emily would love... definitely going to pick that up next time I'm at Target!

  2. I LOVED the Spirograph growing up. They boys will LOVE it!
    Woah - noodles on mashed potatoes? That sounds like HEAVEN on a plate!

  3. So, I have never had deviled eggs at Thanksgiving. Is that an Iowa thing? Or is my family just weird? Umm, I love your TV. And with WIFI? How freaking cool is that?!?!

    1. Your family is weird Becky!! Haha just kidding. We do have them in KY and Indy though.

  4. Your meal looks delish! I wish I would have taken more pictures on Thanksgiving but I was too busy eating, waddling around and trying not to fall asleep watching football :)

  5. Sounds like a wonderful weekend and the food looks amazing. I def remeber the spirograph!!!

  6. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me!!! Lucky you, almost done with your Christmas shopping!!! Me on the other hand, not so much!!! :( I need to get on that!!!

  7. Yay, thanks for the shout out!!
    Those noddles look good, and sound even better! And that pie! Oh my!! Looks like heaven!! I love carb city!!
    Sounds like a great weekend! Yay for Andy, mr fix it!! It's so great that he's so good at those things, and being so sweet to you too!!
    Jason and I were literally just talking about spirographs!! When I was out shopping last week I found one too, and it will go in his stocking! Your boys will,love it!!
