14 June 2013

My Favorite Smells

Hey!!  It’s Friday, everyone better have a smile on their face!

Last night I went to supper with a good friend, and on the way home I passed a field of freshly mowed hay.  I had my windows down and that amazing, heavenly scent wafted in to my car.  I took big, deep breath of it and thought “I wish I could bottle this smell up!”  Then I started thinking of other scents I’d love to bottle up. 

  • Grass as it’s being mowed
  • Spring
  • Fall (yes, season’s have different smells)
  • Brennan (he just smells so delicious all the time)
  • Rain
  • Peonies
  • the tree out front when it’s blooming
  • Farm Smell (a little bit of hay, a little bit of manure, a lot bit of fresh air all mixed up together – heaven!)
  • The boys when they were babies

These are just a few of the smells I’d bottle up if I could.  What smells would you bottle up?

Swim lessons update:  It went a little better yesterday.  Aiden went down the slide – it only took 15 minutes of him sitting at the top freaking out and being coaxed to go down before he finally did.  Brennan, on the other hand, threw the biggest fit about doing what he was asked to do!  I think it’s because he saw when Aiden was freaking out he was bribed with more ice cream by the instructor so he thought if he did the same thing he’d get ice cream too.  Last night Andy took them for their make up lesson, neither of them threw fits but they were both a bit defiant and told Amanda no a few times.  Ugh.  I have them signed up for another week of lessons in July, lets hope we make it to the pool a few times between now and then and that they’ll become more comfortable and compliant by then.

No major plans this weekend for us.  Of course it’s Father’s Day, so we’ll spoil Andy rotten all day Sunday.  Saturday we have the boys’ last make up lesson, unless it’s storming like they are calling for. 

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!



  1. Look at your new header! I love it!

    I used to teach beginner swim lessons when I was a camp counselor. One of the hardest things was getting the kids to submerge their whole heads in the water--they freaked out once the backs of their heads got wet. If it was a class of little girls, I would invite them to sit cross-legged on the pool floor for a "tea party", but the boys were stubborn!

  2. I would agree with Grass, Rain, Spring, Fall, the farm smell and babies! I would also add fresh lavender....ahhh!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm not sure what smells I like. I guess I never thought of it.

    I feel your pain with swim lessons. Molly is a fish and will do whatever the swim teacher asks. But Brady... Not so much. Last week it took about 15 minutes for him to get in the water. Tomorrow they have to put their faces in the water, so that should be fun.....

  4. Oh boys!! It's funny how they can be so defiant over things, like swimming!! I'm sure they both love it, it's just lessons and being told what to do may make it harder!
    Mmmm, smells! I love fresh cut grass, and rain, and fall too! I love the smell of campfire, but not on my clothes, and I love the smell of other people bbqing. I also love the smell of fair food! All that greasy goodness! Reminds me of being little!

  5. I love the smell of the kids as babies...from their heads all the way down to their stinky toes, fresh grass, wood burning stove at my grandparents cabin, rain and I just love the way the beach smells. Oh and I can't leave out the smell of food... All food! Lol

  6. I have been gulping down the sweet smell of fresh mowed grass. It seems everyone is mowing ALL the time, and I can't get enough. Every afternoon I go out for a run and SOMEONE is mowing. I think I might be in Heaven.
