31 July 2012

SAHM Struggles

Any stay at home mom's out there?  I am a SAHM, I love being here every day with the boys.  Some days can be extremely trying, though.  Yesterday was one of those days.  Actually, it was only from 2:00 on that was frustrating.  Aiden has a summer journal he's supposed to fill out and return to his Kindergarten teacher once school starts.  My understanding was at the end of the year his class was expected to write their sentences on their own, to work on sounding out the words and writing down what it sounded like to them.  It didn't matter if the words were all spelled correctly.  So that's what approach I've been using with Aiden.  But every time he works on his journal it's an epic battle. He gets so darn frustrated and just gives up and, basically, detonates.  I've never seen anything like it.  I've thought about taping him doing it to show him later, see if it helps him see how ridiculous he acts while throwing these major tantrums and maybe it'll help him stop doing it. 

Anyway, from that point on I felt fried emotionally.  I just couldn't handle being here anymore.  As soon as my husband got home from work I walked (er, RAN) out the door, hopped in my car and drove to the park to sit by myself and read a magazine.  40 minutes later I felt completely refreshed and calm and came home to get supper ready.  It was so nice to decompress away from it all.  I felt like a new mom the rest of the night.  Thank goodness I have an amazing husband who lets me run off and hide.  It's the first time I've ever done it, but man did I need it.

Have you ever felt like you needed to get away from your kids after a stressful day?



  1. Hey Erin! I found your blog via the Mama Laughlin Fit Camp facebook group. I too am a stay at home mom and man can I relate to this post! My little boy is almost 2 and we're dealing with the terrible 2 tantrums pretty often now. I know how it feels to want to run and hide. Thank God my husband helps out as much as he can or I would explode. Hang in there mama! My blog is at hookedfromhello.blogspot.com if you want to check it out. :)

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I will be adding your blog to my list of daily reads! And good luck w/ the Fit Camp! Are you doing the 60 day challenge?

  2. Oh man..I can totally relate. I only have one 2 year old daughter I stay home with, but I still have my days. Like today... It's really sometimes work to just go to the grocery store. I'm gunna have to try your idea of just getting some fresh air alone sometimes!

    1. I was surprised how much that helped me, Jennifer! At first I thought "I should be doing s/t productive instead of sitting here reading a scrapbooking magazine" but then when I was starting to feel more relaxed and getting motivated to do some more scrapbooking (s/t I love but have gotten away from) I realized it was going to make me a nicer mommy that night, and my boys needed that as much as I did. I hate being crabby around them and my husband. It was so worth the me time!
