05 March 2012

What's On The Menu? Monday -- Farm Birthday Cake

I am so excited to show you this cake I made for Brennan's 3rd birthday party. (The lucky guy gets to celebrate 3 times!!  This was the first of his 3.)  I got the inspiration from a pin on Pinterest and modified it to something a little bit 'more'.  Here's what it looked like.

To make the barn, I cut out cardboard and taped it together before frosting it.  Notice how I marked the pieces with letters so I could match them up right, otherwise I would have been a bit lopsided (I did more eyeballing then measuring).  Here's those pics.

Then I just baked and cooled my cake, frosted it green and used the end of my off-set spatula to pull up 'grass'.  I crushed up Oreo cookies for the dirt, set the frosted and shingled (graham crackers) barn on top and plunked in some pigs, sheep, cows and tractor.  I was so happy with how it turned out and it couldn't have been easier, especially since I didn't use a frosting bag and tips at all, only my off-set spat.  A tip for the barn, use the edge of your off-set spat to drag down barn board lines.

Brennan was napping while I decorated his cake so when he woke up I took him into the kitchen for the grand reveal.  He was so excited about it.  When he gets really happy about something he sticks his tongue out and touches his top lip with it, and that's what he did for a couple of minutes.  I'm happy he was happy!  (And he had a great party, enjoyed putting a puzzle together with his Gramma and Great Grandma, and opened some really neat gifts.)

Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

  1. Seems to be a yummy cake. I think one of the best event space in our city is located near the biggest city centre mall. Heard a lot about parties and events happening often over there. Parking facility is in ample and garden areas are well maintained. Planning to book it for my father's retirement party soon.
