24 February 2012

They Say It's My Birthday (na nah nah nuh nah na!)

Yay!  Tomorrow is my birthday!  I love my birthday which is why I celebrate a birthday month, and since it's Leap Year I get an extra day to celebrate this year!  Anywho, it's not just my birthday tomorrow, it's also my sweet little Grandma's birthday (the one I address these to).  She passed away almost 4 yrs ago but if she were still here she'd be celebrating her 90th birthday tomorrow. 

I always felt so special sharing my day with her.  My mom told me once that she didn't want my mom to have me on her bday because she didn't want me to have to share my special day with anyone.  She couldn't have been more wrong than that.  Sharing my birthday with Grandma is my favorite gift every year.  I miss her so much.

Grandma spoiled me rotten (as much as she could, she wasn't the type to spoil someone with money and gifts).  She gave me her antique doll stroller that she played with as a little girl. She also gave me an amethyst ring that Grandpa had given her when they were first married (our birthstone).  Her and I had a special connection and we used to write each other letters, even though we only lived 10 miles apart and saw each other almost weekly.  When I went to college we wrote every week.  I'm glad I saved those letters, they're fun to look back on. 

Here's a photo of the two of us together.  I'm not 100% sure how old either of us were in this pic, but I'd say I was maybe 7??  Happy Birthday, Grandma!  I miss you every day!


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